While the economic benefits would greatly impact the U.S. healthcare system, Robert Drapkin, MD, FACP advocates health screening in addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle to counteract the prevalence of both impotence and heart disease across America.

(Tampa Bay, FL) March 17, 2015— New research shows that prior screening of all erectile dysfunction (ED) patients for cardiovascular disease could successfully prevent both cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction recurrence – additionally, identifying and treating men with previously undiagnosed heart-related risk factors stands to avert more than one million heart attacks and strokes, and over 20 years, the U.S. would see cost savings in excess of $21 billion. Over one million cases of ED could also be avoided, saving an additional $9.7 billion, presenting a total save of over $28 billion when accounting for the cost of the screenings. (1) The findings correlate with the teachings of Robert Drapkin, MD, FACP, who advocates for healthier living, in conjunction with regular health evaluations, to reduce cardiovascular risks and ED cases among the American public.

Cardiovascular diseases include heart disease and stroke, as well as high blood pressure. Each year, millions of Americans are affected, disabled or die from the disease, while the cost of treatment exceeds $440 billion. Heart disease and stroke are the nation’s first and third leading causes of death, but they are also among the most preventable. (2) And researchers have now established a connection between cardiovascular disease and ED, asserting that ED may be an early indicator of heart disease due to a blood flow problem stemming from abnormal lipids, plaque buildup or high blood pressure is likely to first surface in the penis. (3)

“The staggering cost of cardiovascular disease, both in dollars and reduced quality of life, could be significantly reduced by simply screening men with erectile dysfunction,” said Robert Drapkin, MD, board certified physician in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology and Palliative Care. “Combining cardiovascular disease screenings with an overhaul of America’s unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle would have an even greater impact.”

Dr. Drapkin explained that obesity, abnormal lipids, diabetes and high levels of small particle LDL in the blood stream are all risk factors for heart disease and ED. Identifying at-risk patients through screenings and encouraging them to adopt healthy lifestyles could save millions of lives over the next two decades. In the U.S., more than one-third of adults are obese, and studies show that large numbers of individuals continue to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as drinking, smoking and avoiding exercise, noted Dr. Drapkin. “The unhealthy lifestyle of too many Americans causes diabetes, ED, cardiovascular disease and in many cases, early death,” he said. “Changing these behaviors can prevent ED and cardiovascular disease, and save countless lives.”

Dr. Drapkin previously debunked the long held belief that erectile dysfunction only affects older men – an earlier pioneering study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, proved that men of any age can suffer the often devastating effects of ED (4), proving that an early start to bettering one’s health is pivotal in avoiding long-term health effects. For decades, Dr. Drapkin has studied the fields of diet and exercise in the interest of helping patients prevent and treat medical conditions, including erectile dysfunction, that adversely affect quality of life. “By adhering to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise, men of all ages can not only avoid erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease, but increase their overall health outlook and well-being,” he said.


About Dr. Robert Drapkin, MD, FACP:

Robert Drapkin, MD, is a health care provider who is board certified in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, and Palliative Care. He is in active practice, working to save lives and improve quality of life through the education of his patients. He provides up-to-date knowledge and guides patients through their illnesses, exercises, and diets. He has been in active medicine practice for over 36 years.

Dr. Drapkin is currently 70 years old and started training as a body builder when he was in his fifties. He has been a competitive body builder for 17 years, and has won many titles and contests. He is currently in training for a national event in July 2015.

  1. “Study Highlights Benefits of Screening for Heart Disease in Men with Erectile Dysfunction;” The Journal of Sexual Medicine, March 2015; published by Wiley; accessed March 11, 2015. wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-116026.html.
  2. “Heart Disease and Stroke: The Nation’s Leading Killers;” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; updated July 21, 2010; accessed March 16, 2015. cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/AAG/dhdsp.htm.
  3. “Erectile Dysfunction May be First Sign of Heat Disease;” Baylor College of Medicine News, February 16, 2014; accessed March 11, 2015. bcm.edu/news/urology/erectile-dysfunction-and-heart-disease.
  4. “One Patient Out of Four with Newly Diagnosed Erectile Dysfunction is a Young Man—Worrisome Picture from the Everyday Clinical Practice;” The Journal of Sexual Medicine, July, 2013; accessed February 16, 2015. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jsm.12179/abstract;jsessionid=C1069CF0998F858255467C8380FD9176.d02t01.


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